lots has been going on.. you could prob tell due to the lack of posting on my part. Yesterday we ventured out to Yankee Candle. We have the luxury of leaving 15 min away from the flagship store in the next town over. In case you were unaware, this candle giant's headquarters are located in the next town, and is one of the area's largest employers.
It's a fun place really, and if you've never been there, you can't even begin to think of all the crap they sell that isn't scented or made of wax. They have all these different areas in the store, and it's one of the places in the area that if you need to buy something for Christmas anytime of the year you can find it here. Except, which we found out yesterday, piece to our willowtree nativity set. oh well.
This weekend was their Easter thing they do. Remember I went last year with the boys? we had a good time, so we went again this year. the scavenger hunt was made easier, and we cheated by checking off the boxes without finding all the posters to get the prize because Jay was getting a headache from the candle scents. We got more of those pink bunny ears that I got last year.
While there we sat in the king's chair and visited with the Easter Bunny where Evan says he was a "little shy", hence the grumpy face of his when he was by himself. I like visiting with the bunny there because he's free. We just have to remember to bring our own camera if we want a picture. I think it's funny that with this Easter bunny you can see the eyes on the person inside the costume. lol.. that poor woman in there must've been boiling. Glad it wasn't me.
Liam has started walking finally, and of course I can't catch it on camera. Every time I try he reverts back to crawling or Evan jumps in the shot, like today for instance.. In his underwear and then either flashes the camera or his hand is in his underwear. lol so needless to say I don't really have any good videos safe for the internet.
Evan is really enjoying school and I had the opportunity last week to help in his class. Man I wish my school was that fun! I was there in the morning until about 10:45. We went to breakfast, attended morning meeting, went to gym and then returned for snack time where while they were getting ready we played the game we brought, Hullabaloo (by Cranium), Evan's FAVORITE game. all the kids had a great time with it, and some even wanted me to bring it back. I had told them maybe another time I would. and then we had snack (I made green cupcakes b/c it was st. patty's day) and after that was choice time, and thus time for me to head home. It was fun.
On a side note, I need to see the doctor because I'm having this weird issue with some nerve feelings in my hand feeling funny ever since my elbow popped a couple weeks back. and I think it's aggravated by all the driving that I do. On Friday it was particularly bad, but the dr's isn't open on the weekends so I'll call them tomorrow. it's been better over the weekend, but still sore. the main pain for the past couple of days feels like there's a bad bruise in my fingertip, but I know I didn't do anything to it. On Friday my whole hand hurt with pain from my wrist to my middle finger. It's more annoying today than painful. I just hope that I can see a doctor this week. And I also hope that if I like the doctor I can choose her as my primary. I hesitate to do so out of fear that she'll leave the practice like my
last 2 doctors.. the latter I hadn't even met before she decided to leave.
We also had the recent oppurtunity to visit my family out in Newton and some others who were in town from Florida, whom I haven't seen since Evan was less than a year old at mycousins wedding 4 years ago. Man I miss having my family nearby. I was spoiled as a kid and didn't realize it. I'm thankful that my immediate family is within driving distance (albeit 3 hours). I jsut wish we all had the opportunities to visit each other more. But those pesky gas prices.... is a rant for another day.
I'm off for now, but I'll post again. This last picture is of Evan and his friend Ezra who lives across the street playing with rescue heroes.
23 March 2008
This post was amazingly added by Milk Brain at the unruley hour of 7:59 PM 2 nutjobs had something to say
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