11 October 2005

oops, i did it again...

i've managed to misplace my cell phone again, so if you need me you better call the house. i had it weds, and can't recall when i used it last... oops so if you called over the weekend and i didn't get back, i'm sorry... but i'm blonde...


Snaggle Tooth said...

I hope Evan didn't flush it down... Ya aleady know I left a "are you flooded?" message.

The Radical Notion said...

I left my cell phone in a rental car on the way home from Boston once...never to be seen again. I hope you find it!

Milk Brain said...

i found my phone hidden among the clean laundry still left in the baskets from last week... but not before i ordered another phone. atelast th new phone was free.

Snaggle Tooth said...

Does that mean you can't use the old one? Will the smell of dirty sox come off? Feel privledged, no one else is gettin blog commentz.

Milk Brain said...

no, i can still use it.. i think i jsut have to switch the little card under the battery.